Manufacturing Dissent
- 主演:迈克尔·摩尔
- 其他:2007年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片
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Manufacturing Dissent is a topical documentary seeking to separate fact, fiction, and legend. It chronicles Michael Moore on tour during the promotion of Farenheit 9/11, all while exploring the politically charged climate in America that has prompted Moore's ascension from documentary filmmaker to icon of the political left.
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海上飞来丘比特 2013-06-01
A director with a somewhat malicious intent. Being successful shouldn't be an issue for someone who is trying to do good for the society. What should all the people involve in humanitarian work all suffering from poverty and go by unnoticed??? This is bullshit!!
一点点 2012-06-05
well. I would say.. it's really biased. I'm still a ***-hard fan of Michael Moore for his purpose and the way he pursues the purpose... if not for his big personality.
kafailo 2008-04-10
悶得我,映後見導演環節我都沒留下。把Noam Chomsky放進去是不是取巧呢?
Jingqiu 2018-03-18
看Michael Moore的纪录片之前应该先看看这个,把脑袋冷静下来
聿生 2018-11-29
真的挺有意思的 这个片子本身风格其实就挺受moore的套路的影响的 一种愤怒叙事的感觉(或者至少说能调动起观众的愤怒和质疑) 然而内容是用来anti-Michael Moore的 看的时候比较放松,没刻意去联系后现**论,就当撕*大戏吃吃瓜,津津有味