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Yves Saint Laurent, Tout Terriblement

Yves Saint Laurent, Tout Terriblement

  • 主演:Yves Saint Laurent,Jeanne Moreau,Coco Chanel
  • 其他:1994年 / 未知分 / 法国 / 纪录片
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  • 主演:

    Yves Saint Laurent,Jeanne Moreau,Coco Chanel


Yves Saint Laurent, Tout Terriblement

There has been no shortage of fashion documentaries and movies rolling off the assembly line in France and America of late, so it’s no surprise that one about Yves Saint Laurent will be hitting shelves in November. Entitled ‘Yves Saint Laurent Tout Terriblement’ (While Terribly), the document was originally screened in 1994. One of the must-watch footage reportedly dates back t...

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