The Odd Couple
- 主演:Tony Randall ... Felix Unger,Jack Klugman ... Oscar Trevor Madison
- 其他:1970年 / 未知分 / USA /
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- 主演:
Tony Randall ... Felix Unger,Jack Klugman ... Oscar Trevor Madison
新扭记冤家原名:The Odd Couple,
Based on the Broadway play by Neil Simon, this tells the story of two mismatched friends, Felix Unger and Oscar Madison. Felix is a neat, tidy, and healthy nut, a photographer at a portrait studio, and a connoisseur of classical music. Because of this, his wife divorced Felix and threw him out of his apartment for good. Desperately in the need of a place to live, he moves in wi...
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张脑三 2011-01-08
Mr. Galath 2024-09-23
the odd couple翻拍最有名的好像是这部,1970-1975拍了一共五季,主要情节围绕着两个好朋友的生活,笑点反而是其次,拍摄手法比较传统,被我当作代餐了sorry