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维新记忆 - 高木正雄的全盛时代

维新记忆 - 高木正雄的全盛时代

유신의 추억 - 다카키 마사오의 전성시대

  • 别名:Restoration of Memories - The Golden Age of Takagi Masao
  • 主演:
  • 其他:2012年 / 未知分 / 韩国 / 纪录片
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维新记忆 - 高木正雄的全盛时代原名:유신의 추억 - 다카키 마사오의 전성시대,又名Restoration of Memories - The Golden Age of Takagi Masao

This is a documentary about former Korean President Park Chung-hee.  Elementary school teacher in the Japanese army as an officer, as an officer of the Republic of Korea, after the liberation of Namrodang won as the rider of the anti-communist transformation one person. Soldiers from the rebel chief, then as president, again second, third president, so were the one who wanted to...

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