The Tramp's Unexpected Skate
The Tramp's Unexpected Skate
- 主演:
- 其他:1901年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 喜剧 , 短片
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The Tramp's Unexpected Skate原名:The Tramp's Unexpected Skate,
a typical vaudeville scenario of a tramp vs bad boys, this time with a "tumbler" playing the tramp. The scenario is given a backdrop conveying a **** park. Two lads are sharing a pair of skates, probably because they're too poor to each have a pair. Each wears just one skate. They spot the tramp sound asleep on the ground in the park. They kneel to remove the single skate each ...
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paracelsus 2007-11-11
vaudeville,one shot tramp film + bad boy film.
一"一 2008-02-29