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神秘博士 - Tardis内30年

神秘博士 - Tardis内30年

Doctor Who - More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS

  • 别名:Doctor Who - Thirty Years In The TARDIS
  • 主演:Nicholas Pegg,Nicholas Courtney,Adrian Rigelsford
  • 其他:1993年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 科幻 , 纪录片
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  • 主演:

    Nicholas Pegg,Nicholas Courtney,Adrian Rigelsford


神秘博士 - Tardis内30年原名:Doctor Who - More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS,又名Doctor Who - Thirty Years In The TARDIS

A specially extended video edition of the documentary filmed to mark the 30th anniversary of the long-running *** Science Fiction serial, "Doctor Who". Linked by specially filmed footage featuring members of the cast from the series and various old foes & monsters, the show is explored in depth and there are interviews with members of the cast & production team plus input from ...

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