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尼科罗· 帕加尼尼

尼科罗· 帕加尼尼

Никколо Паганини

  • 别名:帕格尼尼 / Nicolo Paganini
  • 主演:Vladimir Msryan
  • 其他:1982年 / 未知分 / 苏联 保加利亚 / 音乐 , 传记
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  • 地区:

    苏联 保加利亚

  • 主演:

    Vladimir Msryan


尼科罗· 帕加尼尼原名:Никколо Паганини,又名帕格尼尼、Nicolo Paganini

Biopic about Niccolo Paganini. He receives training from his father in early childhood. The best teachers of Parma are unable to give him ****, so Paganini turns to a daily 15 hours of rigorous self-training. He makes sensational concert tours in Vienna, Paris, London and many other cities of Europe. He is always playing from memory, wearing black, and his stage appearance supp...

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