Nature: Why We Love Cats and Dogs
"Nature" Why We Love Cats and Dogs
- 主演:Dan Katz,Jon Katz
- 其他:2009年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片 , 家庭
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Dan Katz,Jon Katz
Nature: Why We Love Cats and Dogs原名:"Nature" Why We Love Cats and Dogs,
Americans own 73 million dogs and 90 million cats. They become best friends, soul mates, family members, and even surrogate children. Relationships with cats and dogs are some of the longest and most intimate of our lives. Why are we so attached? Animal behavior experts, evolutionary biologists, veterinarians, and pet owners share insights and observations about these animals a...
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雨夜飞行 2015-05-27
How far would you go for a dog? 有的时候我会觉得自己的一生一定会和***有很深的羁绊,我会为了它放弃很多至关重要的东西。这就像一个人生的使命,你不知道它从何而来,但是你就是确定
Melody 2017-08-16
The bonding between the owners and their pets are amazing. The affection is sth human can't even have among human.
解意 2015-05-01