Margaret Atwood: You Have Been Warned!
- 主演:玛格丽特·阿特伍德,艾伦·延托布
- 其他:2017年 / 8.6分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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玛格丽特·阿特伍德:你已被警告!原名:Margaret Atwood: You Have Been Warned!,
For decades Margaret Atwood has been universally acclaimed as Canada's greatest living writer. Fearlessly outspoken in life and in her work Atwood has always been an unrelenting provocateur. Now at the age of 77 her star shines brighter and bolder than ever, thanks to an explosive television adaptation of her best-known work The Handmaid's Tale, which was first published in 198...
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Wild Child 2020-02-05
鹤翎 2019-06-06
“No longer semi-immortal, but moulting owl and arthritic pussycat, we row out past the last protecting sandbar, towards the salty open sea, the dogs’-head gate, and after that, oblivion. But sing on, sing on, someone may still be listening besides me. The fish for instance. Anyway, ** dearest one, we still have the moon” 很清澈,无论是嗓音还是眼神。 老年入圣的**观鸟作家。
一颉 2021-02-23
丁小龙 2017-09-28
八号风球 2021-04-19
childhood at wood果然能让人平和清醒
寒青 2020-11-04
“Whatever made us think we could change the world?”干净。
靈魂向來出竅 2021-06-26
we can't stand the idea of our own voices falling silent ,finally,like a radio running down.Anyway,** dearest one ,we still have the moon. ps.感谢猛犸君侯
ofelia11 2023-06-30
cornicione 2024-07-02
We all have been warned by her sharpness.
认真超人 2020-04-07
非常感動的紀錄片 重燃了我的學習熱情 今晚看與死者協商。一直在感嘆這是多麼有意思的一個人啊 一直也在擔心我們這個時代會失去她 就算遙遠 我不想失去她啊😭我愛你 Peggy!