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Louis Theroux's LA Stories: City of Dogs

Louis Theroux's LA Stories: City of Dogs

Louis Theroux's LA Stories: City of Dogs

  • 别名:犬の非情都市LA(日)
  • 主演:路易斯·泰鲁
  • 其他:2014年 / 未知分 / 美国,英国 /
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Louis Theroux's LA Stories: City of Dogs原名:Louis Theroux's LA Stories: City of Dogs,又名犬の非情都市LA(日)

Los Angeles is home to **** than a quarter of a million dogs from the pampered pooches of Beverley Hills to the pit bull terriers of the projects. In the first programme of his new series, Louis Theroux’s LA Stories, Louis enters the bizarre world of LA’s dogs, meeting the characters whose lives revolve around the ****’s huge canine population.  In the toughest neighbourhoods of...

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