老版无敌女金刚 第一季
The Bionic Woman Season 1
- 主演:Lindsay Wagner,Richard Anderson
- 其他:1976年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 动作 , 科幻
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- 主演:
Lindsay Wagner,Richard Anderson
老版无敌女金刚 第一季原名:The Bionic Woman Season 1,
The Bionic Woman is an American television series which spun off from The Six Million Dollar Man. It starred Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, a tennis professional who was nearly killed in a skydiving accident, and was rebuilt by Oscar Goldman (Richard Anderson) and Dr. Rudy Wells (Martin E. Brooks), who had also rebuilt The Six Million Dollar Man. As the result of her surgical...
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方聿南 2012-08-20
shooin 2020-09-23
无意中刷到电影*道在播 惊叹1976年的画质就这么***彩也很鲜艳 还有特技