The Bank That Almost Broke Britain
- 主演:布莱斯·达芙
- 其他:2018年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 紀錄片 Documentary
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紀錄片 Documentary
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几乎造成英国破产的银行原名:The Bank That Almost Broke Britain,
Ten years on from the global financial crash, this documentary tells the extraordinary story of how a small Scottish bank grew to become, briefly, the biggest in the world before collapsing and triggering the largest financial bail-out in British history. It focuses on a single day, 7 October 2008, when the Royal Bank of Scotland collapsed and almost took the entire UK banking ...
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无能狂怒人 2018-11-17
No pains no gains. The gains were capitalized while the pains are nationalized.
麋鹿间人 2021-03-03
“It is the fail of the whole ******, not a particular person. ”
一瓶蓝醋 2020-06-29
大而不倒英国版 形势判断失误下的错误收购决策