和小贾一起看世界 第一季
Journeys Into the Outside with Jarvis Cocker Season 1
- 主演:Jarvis Cocker
- 其他:1999年 / 未知分 / 英国 /
- 点播
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- 主演:
Jarvis Cocker
和小贾一起看世界 第一季原名:Journeys Into the Outside with Jarvis Cocker Season 1,
Jarvis' introduction: This is the **** of London. I've lived in various flat and houses in various parts of this **** for almost 10 years. Of all the places I've spent time in down here, the one that had the most effect on me is this one, because this is St Martins School of Art. And the reason I moved to London in the first place was to study film ****** here. Although I never...
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Sibyl Xylia 2022-11-02