Far til fire's vilde ferie
Far til fire's vilde ferie
- 别名:Far til fires vilde ferie
- 主演:埃伦·海德,杰斯帕·艾肖特,Sigurd Philip Dalgas
- 其他:2015年 / 未知分 / 丹麦 / 喜剧 , 家庭
- 点播
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- 主演:
埃伦·海德,杰斯帕·艾肖特,Sigurd Philip Dalgas
Far til fire's vilde ferie原名:Far til fire's vilde ferie,又名Far til fires vilde ferie
The family's long awaited vacation at the Wadden Sea is threatened by the fact that Father is suspected of being a burglar. The family does everything to prove his innocence - but Father's unfortunate actions make him look **** and **** suspicious in the eyes of the rooms. Finally, Little Per must do something illegal to find the right thieves. But it is about to go wrong and s...
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