El caso Ángelus, la fascinación de Dalí
- 主演:Joan Frank Charansonnet,里卡德·巴拉达,Montse Alcoverro
- 其他:2023年 / 未知分 / 西班牙 / 剧情 , 传记
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- 主演:
Joan Frank Charansonnet,里卡德·巴拉达,Montse Alcoverro
El caso Ángelus, la fascinación de Dalí
The film shows the fascination Salvador Dalí always had for Millet's painting The Angelus, which led him to write an essay entitled The Tragic Myth of the Angelus, published in 1963. Based on this premise, the film delves into the intriguing and mysterious painter through his years researching the origins of the painting, which concealed a dark and tragic secret. The plot of th...
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