Nazi Medicine: In the Shadow of the Reich & The Cross and the Star
- 别名:纳粹医生
- 主演:
- 其他:1997年 / 未知分 / / 纪录片
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第三帝国的阴影:纳粹医生原名:Nazi Medicine: In the Shadow of the Reich & The Cross and the Star,又名纳粹医生
包括两部片子《NaziMedicine》(**医生)和《The Cross and The Star》 发行公司网页****://firstrunfeatures****/nazimedicinedvd.html The raise and fall of the Nazism, in a artistic and aesthetic view, is brilliantly showed in this film. I regret only that the economic situation of Germany is not presented at the same time, to give a complete big picture of Germany along this dark period of history. The ...
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