BBC The Pink Floyd Story: Which One's Pink
- 主演:Syd Barrett,Roger Waters,David Gilmour
- 其他:2007年 / 9.1分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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Syd Barrett,Roger Waters,David Gilmour
BBC.平克·弗洛伊德乐队:谁是平克?原名:BBC The Pink Floyd Story: Which One's Pink,
Forty years after Britain's foremost underground band released their debut album Piper at the Gates of Dawn, Pink Floyd remain one of the biggest brand names and best-loved bands in the world. This film features extended archive footage, some of it rarely or never seen, alongside original interviews with the **** surviving members of Pink Floyd - David Gilmour, Roger Waters, **...
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空_琢 2013-06-20
jiyun 2015-01-10
我还是更喜欢 gilmour 时期的 pink floyd。看哭。
子酉 2015-10-09
Heisenbloomer 2016-11-16
谁也不是Pink,所以Pink一直不死。只是Wish YOU were here. 【哭哭哭哭哭哭哭
_0x0023 2012-08-08
记得最先听pink是他们最为著名的The Wall,听了之后立马去看了原声电影 迷墙,立刻就被他们的**曲风与反叛精神给吸引了,后来越来越喜欢听了 月之暗面,这似乎是反其道而行之。本纪录片记述平克弗洛伊德前身后世,算是非常中肯的一部纪录片,毕竟是***制作,不过没有字幕,很考验大家的听力噢
直立猿人 2021-06-27
*******链接 /watch?v=cVHGLdZQgEw
Syd 2012-03-25
xlL 2015-01-10
teenager**的音乐教养之一 pink floyd~
别的树 2013-04-26
It's the kind of art I'm in desperate need of, and it reminds you of the very touchingly profound details of human beings. It's a shame that their era has passed, and it's an ecstasy that their music still remains accessible through the passage of time.
vale 2015-11-18